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Mysterious Mummified Specimens with Unknown DNA Discovered in Mexico

A handout picture released by the press office of the Mexican Congress shows an alleged body of a 'non-human' being exhibited at the Mexican Congress in Mexico City on September 12, 2023. (Handout / Mexico's Congress / AFP)

In recent years, numerous bizarre discoveries have been made around the world, with many claiming to be from extraterrestrial origins. The latest addition to this growing list is a set of mummified specimens discovered in Mexico with almost a third of their DNA remaining “unknown”. Spearheaded by journalist Jaime Maussan, the event sparked curiosity among visitors and caused quite a stir in the scientific community.

According to reports from a self-proclaimed UFO expert, it's believed that these two small corpses were retrieved from Cusco, Peru. The bodies were presented to Mexican politicians at Congress to showcase their “non-human” origins. Many people are excited to see these aliens and learn more about their origins, but as always, the scientific community remains skeptical about their existence.

Further claims have been made that the National Autonomous University of Mexico carried out carbon-14 analysis on these beings, which revealed that the bodies are approximately 1000 years old. The experts behind this investigation claim that they were not beings that were recovered from birds that have crashed and not beings that were buried in mines. Instead, they were supposedly fossilized in diatomaceous earth along with the fossilized algae with 17 million ancient phytoplankton that was abundant at that time.

Despite the advanced technology and scientific instruments used to support these claims, many researchers and scientists remain skeptical, stating that the evidence provided is not sufficient enough to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. There are numerous hoaxes across the globe that claim to showcase the extraterrestrial life form without any authentic evidence to back up claims.

In a time where conspiracy theories and extraterrestrial life capture our imagination, it's essential to decipher facts from fiction. The topic of alien existence and extraterrestrial life is an intriguing and fascinating subject that has captured people's imagination for decades. The news of “non-human” aliens being displayed in front of Mexican politicians at Congress is indeed a significant step towards unraveling the mystery of the existence of aliens. However, it's vital to approach such claims with skepticism and authority, as bald claims and hoaxes continue to dominate headlines online. As always, it's important to differentiate facts from fiction when it comes to phenomena that have yet to be explored.

Translation (Google Translate)

“From Nazca in 2017 that have been deeply investigated both by researchers, journalists and by Toyaki scientists, they are going to make known some of their extraordinary conclusions, but first of all, call the researcher Joyce Mantilla, who has already investigated this topic from the first moment, they have already been discovered, we are going to discover at this moment those bodies that according to the scientists who are going to leave it here are non-human beings that are not part of our terrestrial evolution and that after they disappear there is no further evolution.”

“According to the National Autonomous University of Mexico who carried out the carbon 14 analysis, these beings are around 1000 years old, that is, they are not beings that were recovered in birds that are crashed and they are not beings that were buried in mines. diatom diatomaceous earth the diatom is a fossilized algae with 17 million ancient phytoplankton that was abundant at that time and when it disappears it fossilizes.”

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