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Dino Egg Found in Silverton Rock Shop

I've Got Rocks in my Head is a crystal and fossil shop found in Silverton, Oregon. Walker Yeats is the owner of the small rock shop near the middle of Silverton's historic district. Most of the shop's inventory is crystals and fossils, but Yeats always has something new and unique in his stock. One of his most prized treasures is the fossilized egg of a hadrosaurus or better known as the duck-billed dinosaur. He confirmed that the dinosaur egg is for sale, although there is no price tag. He said fossilized dinosaur eggs usually top out at $1200. The article is behind glass, but he is happy to pull it out of the display case and show off the fossilized egg upon request.

Prehistoric hadrosaur egg, I've got rocks in my head (Derek Bratton)

Yeates explains the hadrosaur was a herding dinosaur, much like buffalo, and were the prey of the giant meat-eating dinosaurs. He has many ancient relics in his inventory, such as the teeth of a mosasaur, a giant water-based prehistoric creature whose jaw can reach four feet long harboring razor-sharp teeth. Yeats explains that most of the teeth are found separate then reassembled to create the display piece found in his store.

His inventory of crystals and jewelry will appease those who are seeking gems with metaphysical properties. He says that he is a little skeptical of the theory that rocks can hold supernatural powers. But he did say that about 20 percent of the people who come in claim they can "feel" the energy of crystals, and another 20 percent can learn to feel the power, but for the most part, the claims are false.

If you are looking for an impressive display piece, Yeates probably has something you might be looking for. His inventory can be found online at, or you can visit his shop at 110 N Water St. Silverton, Oregon 97381.

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